The premise of the game was definitely promising, and by the looks of what little we have, it seemed to be doing a more down to Earth (heh) take on what we had seen of the DOOM series so far. May have been other playable characters in talk, but nothing concrete has been dug up. Your character would either have survived the base evacuation or have just been a regular joe and joined the resistance against the demon menace, with a a possible level based around reaching the Hell portal that had broken apart a UAC facility. Oh, and then the DOOM stuff happens as a portal to Hell opens in Manhattan, causing a “Hell wave” that starts shifting reality so things become bone and flesh, and people start turning into monsters. There is a cure nobody trusts called AGiS made by the UAC, a mostly unchecked corporate entity with focus mainly on what benefits it first and…jeez. Uh, yeah, the Earth dealing with a virus called the Kafere Plague that a lack of government action in dealing with lead to…riots.and, uh…militarized action against the government. The game would focus on Earth and started with a…uh, global pandemic. A solid way to nod to the original game, suggesting that the invasion started elsewhere. There was a rough story line seemingly made, setting the game in 2038 and possibly starting with a UAC base evacuation, one called Valhalla, based on a vertical slice of the game prepped for Quakecon 2011. There were two builds in production, a single player one called “Hades” and a multiplayer one called “Zion,” the latter being where the majority of the footage for the game comes from. That was the general idea, but there were problems getting it to really come together, hot helped by the focus of the studio shifting to RAGE and making that work with the new Id Tech 5 engine. Since DOOM 3 was a new take on DOOM, the team decided to do a new take on DOOM II while making it another new continuity. The first year was for gathering new staff, and development began proper in 2008. What seems to be the case is that a new DOOM title started development in 2007, supposedly alongside the new IP RAGE, which would be getting the majority of the attention from the studio. This is an article on a canceled game where everyone involved was most likely under NDA, so do take attempts at making the bigger picture with a grain of salt. It was definitely a different beast, supposedly some sort of serious story about Earth merging with Hell, focused on the people who had to live through it rather than the lone badass who solved the problem partly to avenge the death of his pet bunny. It was also going to take the franchise in a Final Fantasy sort of direction, abandoning a focused continuity for just doing a new thing every game. Just a few years after DOOM 3 released, Carmack and Id Software were already planning to make a new DOOM game, which would be known as DOOM 4.